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The AI Revolution: Transforming Content Marketing in the Digital Age

The AI Revolution: Transforming Content Marketing in the Digital Age

Ask any marketer what the biggest story of the industry was last year, and they’ll say ChatGPT. How could they not? ChatGPT—an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot trained to have human-like responses—dominated the marketing scene in 2023.

It was the topic of conversation across LinkedIn posts, conference sessions, and podcast episodes. And given its meteoric rise in popularity—eclipsing 1 million users 5 days after launch and 173 million users 5 months later—ChatGPT deserved all the notoriety it received.

But ChatGPT is just one application of AI. That’s why our team believes if 2023 was the year of the ChatGPT takeover, 2024 will be the year of marketing’s AI revolution.

In this blog, we’ll break down the good, bad, and everything in between when it comes to AI and marketing. Let’s get into it.

How Marketers Can Use AI For Good

There’s a lot of hesitation about the use of AI in marketing. Many marketers are embracing it, while some senior marketers have reservations about using it at all.

The truth is, when used right, it can be an incredibly powerful tool that makes you more effective at your job. Here are just a few of the ways you can use AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance and streamline your day-to-day:

1. Enhanced Content Creation

We know some marketers wrongfully use AI tools like ChatGPT to create content for them, but did you also know you can use it to simply enhance your content?

For many of us, the hardest part of creating content is getting started. We’ve all experienced writer’s block, but ChatGPT helps you overcome this. By giving it prompts around your content topics, you can have useful outlines generated in seconds.

These outlines are meant to be just that—an outline. From there, it’s on you to refine and transform it into an original piece.

2. Streamline Content Processes

While we believe the best topic ideation content marketers can have is a collaborative whiteboard session, sometimes it's just not possible. AI tools like ChatGPT can fill in gaps for lean content teams by assisting with:

Again, the point of using ChatGPT for these tasks is to take tasks that have you spending hours of limited resources on and streamlining them. From there, you should do the heavy lifting when it comes to creative writing and fact-checking.

3. Upcycling and Repurposing Content

Content marketers know how important it is to repurpose existing content—but few actually do it effectively. This is another area where ChatGPT comes in handy.

Use an AI tool to take an existing piece of content (e.g. a blog) and transform it into other marketing collateral (e.g. a one-pager, an email, a video script).

AI’s Negative Impact on Marketing

While the majority of marketers are using ChatGPT to streamline their content strategies, there are some taking it a bit too far. Some people believe AI can replace marketers and are using ChatGPT to create all elements of content for them. This won’t work out in the long run (more on that later), but here are some other negative ways AI is impacting the marketing industry:

1. Content Inaccuracies and Plagiarism

Marketers are putting far too much trust in ChatGPT’s capabilities and it’s hurting them. ChatGPT is not perfect. It’s called ‘machine learning’ for a reason. It’s still learning.

ChatGPT has been known to take information verbatim from websites, like this example from Vinography, and claim it for its own. The above is just one of countless cases where ChatGPT has completely falsified or plagiarized information. After all, it’s scouring the web to learn. Expect more and more marketers to get caught with plagiarized content from ChatGPT over the coming years.

2. Robotic, Unpersonalized Content

There has been a rise in personality-led content over the past 2 years. If you’re a regular on LinkedIn, you know exactly what we mean. Personality-led content is using people behind the brand to drive your content efforts. Why is it so effective?

It’s original. It’s relatable. It’s human.

All things that ChatGPT will never be able to replace—and those attempting to use it for this are likely to fail.

3. Reluctance to Adopt the Technology

As mentioned above, many Senior Marketers are reluctant to even use AI in their daily processes. They see it as taking shortcuts or cheating. The problem with this is that AI is here to stay, and upskilling is incredibly important for career growth and longevity.

Möve’s Take on AI and Content Marketing

As you can see, we’re still in the early stages of figuring out artificial intelligence’s role in marketing, and we’ve got some kinks to work out. But many marketers have prematurely sounded the alarm, claiming it will be the downfall of the marketing industry. 

We don’t think so. 

Because as much as AI can streamline and automate aspects of a marketer’s job, it can’t replace the human element of what we do. Personalization cannot be plagiarized.

The future of content marketing lies in using AI to boost human creativity. It should automate some mundane tasks and streamline research that takes up too much brain power so we can concentrate on what matters; creativity. 

AI is here to stay. And when used for good, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for marketers.

Final Thoughts

As AI continues to reshape the marketing landscape, the relationship between it and content marketing is evolving. Our job as marketers is to embrace the good AI brings while addressing the bad.

Here at Möve, we get how overwhelming it can feel to stay ahead of all the emerging marketing trends. Which is why our agency is centered around handling all of this for you. So if you’re looking for a marketing partner who is well-equipped to leverage these digital marketing trends for impactful results, we’d love to have a chat.

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